#include "projects.h"
A sophisticated hotel communication system aimed at elevating your hotel's service above t...
Vue, Vuex, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Redis, JWT, REST API, Socket.io, Heroku
The Luhn algorithm, also known as the 'modulus 10' or 'mod 10' algorithm, is a simple chec...
C, Github
A blogsite created using nuxt3, vue.js, pinia state management and vuetify...
Nuxt3, Vue3, Pinia, Netlify
Apple Home page UI clone (2021 version). I am a big fan of apple's website and love what t...
HTML5, CSS3, Boostrap v5, Netlify
Web App
MyTodo is web app created using react.js and next.js, user's data is stored in browser's l...
React, Next 13, Netlify
The XORShift algorithm is a simple pseudorandom number generator known for its speed and e...
A simple command line based guess the number game using c programming language...
The first website that I created for a local business owner back in 2019 using HTML, CSS, ...
Vue, Vuetify, Node.js
Social Media: